Wednesday, August 28, 2013

PC Build: 2013 (update)

My birthday is in just under two weeks and my amazing husband surprised me with a new PC!  He'd been secretly saving up some extra money so he could replace my 8 year old beast.  I made it when I had a ton of dispensable income back in the day.  I miss those days.'s what I have now.

SSD: (we bought this about a year ago, not new)
Video Card:

We got a few discounts and didn't need to buy everything as I had a power supply and a few other odds and ends.  I believe the total came out to just over $300.  Not bad at all.

I've always loved doing PC builds.  This was definitely an awesome birthday gift.  Hoping I can eventually use it for some streaming/making more YouTube videos as well.

See you in the gaming world. :D


  1. Very cool! But I don't see a video card in that list.

    My brother and I built a pair of identical gaming PCs back in 2006, the Twin Towers we called them. Then I built a bare bones system for my wife about three years ago. Then my computer died so I had to merge parts from the two systems together into what I've dubbed Frankenputer. ;) Luckily she likes her laptop and doesn't miss having a desktop PC.

    1. video card is technically not needed, though Windows 8.1 preview is stupid and won't let me just use my APU. haha Oh well.

      Sounds cool! I like the twin towers. haha

    2. Oh whoops, I didn't see the integrated Radeon graphics processor. And yes, now I'm fantasizing about building two more matching computers for me and my older son, but he's probably still a BIT too young to warrant his own PC.
